目前分類:Readings (3)

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Title: 第一次調查貓頭鷹就上手

ISBN: 9789860295863

Author: 張東君、修鴻儒、林青峰

Photographer: 林青峰、修鴻儒、楊東峰、范兆雄、張東君

Illustrator: 黃麗珍

Publisher: 行政院農業委員會林務局

Dates of Publication: 2011-5

博客來連結: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010531397

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Palfrey, J. & Gasser, U. (2008). Born Digital: Understanding the First Generation of Digital Natives. New York: Basic Books.

For more information about the book, visit: http://www.borndigitalbook.com

Some afterthoughts:

Born Digital is a book that covers almost all the topics concerning digital natives' behaviours and related issues that brought by the internet/computer era, especially from the perspective of law, information literacy, psychology and social science. 

As one of among many that have been categorised as Digital Natives, reading the book is more about understanding my own generation, although I do feel like old timers comparing with some of those research subjects mentioned within.  

I would strongly recommend those who has time to skim through the book, it does provide some interesting points of views to see how people and technology interact.

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台灣最慢的火車,最短區間的里程,最便宜的旅行,票價是11元。(From 11元的鐵道旅行 by 劉克襄)


11-Dollar Rail Trip

The slowest train in Taiwan, the shortest railway trip, the cheapest travel price is NT$11. (US$1 = NT$30)

from "11-Dollar Railway Trip" by Ke-Hsiang Liu.


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