目前分類:My Animal Diary in Vancouver Area (7)

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This was the first time I ever came across racoons. I met them while taking a walk around the campus. There was a sudden movement in front of me near the Aquatic Centre of UBC. Then, these big fat fellows ran across in front of me quite fast. I thought racoons were cute little ones, but those ones I saw were beyond my imagination. They are enormous.


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After asking my part-time PhD friend, bucky, she suggested that the bird is either a towhe or an American Robin. Since it has spots on its wings and its beak looks more like a towhe, considering it's on the west coast of America, there is a huge possibility of it being a SPOTTED TOWHE.



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Seagulls can be seen all around Vancouver, even at downtown area. This kind of scenery is unimagineable for Taiwanese, seeing seagulls on campus or flying around skyscrapers at downtown area.

Seagulls at Jericho Beach is so used to human beings that they just sat on the beach without moving. They would slowing strayed aside if a human has crept too near them thought.


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Shots taken at Jericho Beach, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

I am not quite sure whether they are sandpipers or dowitchers. My guess is that they are short-billed dowitchers.


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The photo was taken at Jericho Beach, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.


Great Blue Herons are a kind of herons that can be easily spotted in North America. I thought I was seeing a grey heron, which is a common winter bird in Taiwan, when I first saw it.

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There are lots of squirrels crawling around UBC campus looking for nuts for their winter storage. There are a variety of squirrels one can find around campus, black, red-brown, or coffee. Rumour has it that there is one squirrel without tail running around, but I've never had the chance to meet one yet. In November, squirrels seems to hide for winter. It's hard to find one around campus. Maybe Western Gray Squirrels and Black Squirrels are the most common ones around UBC campus.


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Where: UBC Farm (near the forest edge)

When: Oct-17-2009 around 4 pm

about Coyotes





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