目前分類:Vancouver Scenery (18)

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Gotta say I wanna get one of those to put in front of my house.

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One can see the whole view of Sunset Beach while visiting Vanier Park, which is just across English Bay. In fact, Sunset Beach Park and Vanier Park can be connected by the Burrard Bridge (opened in 1932). 


Sunset beach belongs to Stanley Park's Seawall system. One can walk all the way down and reach Stanley Park in the end of the peninsula.

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Decorative festive lights are part of Christmas celebration. Even the out walls of St. Paul's Hospital on Burrard Street was decorated with lights. The shining lights seemed to bring some hope to the gloomy feelings that normally associated with sickness. 


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It's Christmas. Light shows are inevitable for celebration. Science World was in their annual maintenance in the end of 2009. All the lights are gone. However, in celebration of Christmas, the lights are on during Christmas and New Year's Celebrations. 


BC Place

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Well, it's kind of strange to write about winter or Christmas in such a hot and humid summer. But, since it's too hot in Taiwan at the moment. Some interesting views on the Grouse Mt top might soothe the heat a little bit.


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Well, it's like a last minute visit to parks around metro Vancouver. Besides, since it's near Metrotown, I could get a view on the crazy sale of Boxing Day there and the beauty of the lake on the same day.

Unfortunately, it's not a good day for going around a lake since it's a frosty day and areas around Metrotown snowed. As a result, with the much colder air and warmer water, areas around the lake was foggy! There was nothing to see except fog.



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How to get to Lighthouse Park from UBC?

The easiest way is to take a bus or skytrain downtown, and get off around Burrad Skytrain Station (near Hyatt Regency Hotel). Then transfer to Bus #250 at Georgia Street. It takes around 2 hours to get to West Vancouver due to that Bus #250 does not run very often, and it's the only bus that would stop at the Lighthouse Park.

According to ToursimVancouver, it's one of the 5 top photo ops in Van. So, for a photo-holic like me, it's a definite spot to visit before leaving Vancouver. And it's a free park, all one needs is the bus fee to get there. And that is not a big deal with a U-Pass in hand.


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I took the JAL flight transporting from Narita airport to Vancouver, BC. I waited at the airport for the reception volunteers from UBC, who would arrang cabs for arriving students to take. Since they have arranged a special discount with cab companies, students who took the taxi only need to pay around CAD$5 each to get a ride to UBC. The cab would take students to their own residence, it's definitely recommended to wait for the volunteers if one is not familiar with Vancouver. (And of course, to save money for poor students living on budgets.)

It costed me around CAD$40 to take a cab from Gage residence to YVR airport when I tried to catch the flight back to Taiwan.

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Jericho Beach

Jericho Beach is quite near UBC campus. One can just hop on Bus #4 or #84 from UBC bus loop and get off around Blanc Street or a couple of blocks after Blanc Street. It was a nice sandy beach for people to walk around or play in the water. Unfortunately, I was there in the late afternoon and it was a cloudy day. As a result, the beach did not look as remarkable as Wrech Beach.


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Vancouver City Hall is around the corner of the skytrain station at Cambie Street. Flags of "Cambie Village" can be seen on Cambie Street.


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Vancouver has become a popular place for movie making due to its relatively cheap cost to USA.

Movie stars or celeberties are spotted around metro Vancouver making films or TV episodes. TV series, Smallville, took a few scenes at UBC, BC Place, and some other places in Vancouver. Twilight sequal was seen to be shot at Cleveland Dam in North Vancouver. Just to name a few examples.


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Some photoes taken at Cambie Bridge.

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Granville Island is where to find unique gifts for family and friends in Vancouver. It is a place to shop, dine and more window shopping. It's quite expensive to shop there, but have some very great artistic or handmade stuffs, such as hand-dyed silk scarves (which cost $60 a piece).

How to get there from UBC:

Take Bus #84 and get off at Fir Street, walk north.


The sculpture is for 100 year's anniversaire of Vancouver City.


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Richmond is a city in the south of metro Vancouver. Lots of immigrants live there.


(The map was retrieved from http://www.richmond.ca/__shared/assets/GVRD_Map_-_Richmond_-_USA_Border15569.jpg)


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The trip to Stanley Park was a revisit. But due to group travel, there is not much time to spend walking around the vast park. I only walked about 1/4 of the park in a couple of hours.




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This shoud be part 2 for the trip to Lynn Canyon Park since I walked from Lynn Canyon Park to Seymour Conservation Reserve.

What trail did I take?

lynn and rice.jpg

(This is part of the map provided by Metro Vancouver.) Link to the map.

I walked from Lynn Canyon Ecology Centre (near the entrance of the park, where bus #229 stops) up north to the suspension bridge, then to 30 foot pool, then walked further morth into Seymour Conservation Reserve and walked around Rice Lake (about 2 km walk around the lake's loop trail).

從Lynn Cayon Ecology Centre出發,向北走到吊橋,再到30呎深的水池,最後往北走到Seymour保護區的Rice Lake (繞湖走了一圈,約2km),再循原路回來。


Some photo took at Rice Lake. It's very beautify and it's a great fishing spot as well.






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Lynn Canyon Park

North Vancouver has lots of parks and forests. There is no better thing to do for a nice walk in the woods in North Vancouver on holidays.


How did I get to Lynn Canyon Park?


UBC→Waterfront Station→Seabus to Lonsdale Quay→Bus 229 to Lynn Canyon Park

The Seabus is like the ferry between Kaohsiung and Cijin, but only passengers and bikes can get on it.


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