目前分類:Seattle (5)

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As a SLAISer, it's strange to visit a city without seeing its public libraries.

Seattle Public Library (whole building)

owlowl 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The golden pig is the most famous statue in Seattle. Her name is Rachel, who is the treasurer for poor households. The pig is just outside Pike Place Market and is one of the hottest photo shooting spot in Seattle. Pike Place Market opened in 1907, and is one of the oldest existing and functioning farmer's market in US (according to Wikipedia). Comparing with the public market on Granville Island, Vancouver, the main arcade of Pike Place Market appears dirtier with its yellowish tiles and wet floor. Furthermore, The main arcade of Pike Place Market is a building of 3 floors, and each floor has its specialities. The only similar thing between the two market is that they are both huge and is easy for people to get lost inside.

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My trip of Seattle started and ended at Space Needle, where is the nearest sight-seeing spot that Quick Shuttle drop their customers off.

When I strolled back from downtown Seattle, and still got a couple of hours left waiting for the last bus on schedule back to Vancouver, I used the coupon from Seattle's visitors' guide to get up to see what it is like at night in Seattle. I struggled a lot since it cost around US$16 to go up the tower, and it's not really something worthy if you're not trying to get a feel of "Sleepless Seattle". 

owlowl 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

An amazing street performer, who played a beautiful harmony by buckets and the road sign's rod.

owlowl 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Seattle, Washington State, USA is only four hours bus ride from Vancouver, BC, Canada. It is possible to do a one day road trip to Seattle from Vancouver, although what can be seen might be really limited. Nonetheless, one can get some different USA style from a trip to Seattle.

The easiest way to get to Seattle is to take Quick Shuttle, which cost around CAD$59 for a round trip for students. But the quality of the transportation is definitely not in my comfort zone. If one doesn't like the following things and have no budget limitation, take trains or other transportation instead then. The cons of Quick Shuttle include: 1) bad air-conditioning - the bus is filled with cheap perfumed scent; 2) the chairs are not very comfortable unlike those luxious buses one could find in Taiwan; 3) the bus might be filled with garbages left by their former customers, such as gum wrappings or used tissues, and of course lot of dust. 

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