目前分類:Sony HX5V (4)

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P mode, no flash



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owlowl 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

 Test shots with food mode


owlowl 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I admitted that I am a lazy person. And I hate to go to shops to bargain with sales in order to get a better price or get additional gifts. As a result, getting a Sony digital camera in Taiwan is much a better choice since the price of it is quite fixed and you don't have to bargain a lot. One good thing for shopping online is that one only have to sit at home and wait for the goods to come, although that means fewer additional gifts and a little more to spend in order to get the memory card and protection kits. 


In inside the box, includes an additional battery, the box contains the camera, and an additional wrist band. Sony's branch in Taiwan is having this special promotion for this camera, and every customer who purchases this type of camera can get an additional battery and wrist band.

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