


不過能跟教授們去參加作者的新書簽名會和BOOK TALK,也讓人見識到Vancouver兒童文學的現況。

I bumped into 2 professors at SLAIS at a 7-Eleven near UBC. Professor Saltman and Professor Shoemaker teach Children's Materials and Illustrated Materials for Children this term. They are on the way to a book launch for Jack the Bear at a lyceum nearby. I am quite grateful to be asked to go to the book launch with them.



Christianne's Lyceum of Literature and Art

3696 West 8th Ave. Vancouver BC V6R1Z1




September 12, 2009





以牛皮紙袋為創作的基底紙張,不只是「環保」,依據Professor Saltman和Shoemaker所提到的,加拿大的童書作者和繪者並非人人都像是J. K. Rowlings一樣成為童書界的女王,多數仍依賴獎金(各項童書獎)為主,版稅倒是其次。看到Jack the Bear,就可以發現書的印刷為了配合打底用的牛皮紙,基本色並非常見的白,而是黃褐色。

Christina Leist, the author of Jack the Bear, did a book talk (read her work to be exact). She also shared and showed how she drafted and drew her works on paper bags. There were original copies of the work passed down to have a closer look as well. 

Author and Owner

Author and Owner

(牆上的圖是作者送給owner的禮物,是Jack the Bear中的一幅草稿,但未出版)

According to the owner, the author and the owner met a couple of years ago when the author showed her work to the owner at the lyceum. The owner introduced the author to some publishers, and luckily get her book published. The picture hang in the back is an original draft from Jack the Bear, which is not included in the book while publishing.


It is fabulous to learn about the local development in Children's literature and how local people try to promote reading with kids, and how strongly the owner of Lyceum is bound to Canadian illustrators and authors of children and teenage literature.


By the way, they provide drinks (coffee, cranberry juice..etc), specially-made bear-shaped cookies, and straws of honey after the book launch for guests who came to the book launch. They also had a drawing of lots (prizes are books) for comers.


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