

Wine Research Library Tour



Sept-16-2009 14:00-14:40



Food, Nutrition and Health Building
2205 East Mall



Guided by: Dr. Hennie van Vuuren, Director of the Wine Research Centre

Recommendation: 3 Stars


UBC 酒圖書館基本上是是酒窖,其造型參考木酒桶的形狀,所以天花板是圓拱形的。室內維持5度C,70%的濕度,終年恆溫恆濕,使酒不會乾涸。其中的藏品包括學生作品、卑詩省酒莊的酒、所長從國外帶回的珍品,以及私人贈與。



UBC Wine Research Library is not a library full of books, but a wine cellar at the dungeon of Food, Nutrition and Health Building. The cellar is designed like a big wine barrel, so the ceiling is circular. The temperture inside is constantly remained around 5 degrees celsius. The humidity is around 70% inside, so that the wine will not dry. The shelves are built by red wood. 

The collections range from student's wine products, director's personal collections from other countires, wine from wineries in British Columbia, to donations from  personal beqeath. According to Dr. Vuuren, the family of a wine collector donate all his collections after his death to the wine library since they are not really interested in the collection.

It is also interesting to learn that the Wine Research Centre at UBC is trying to understand how the wine ripe after years. They do wine tasting each year to check on the riping process of wine.

Although UBC wine library does not have a huge collection of wine, it still plays an important role in annual fund raising parties. Donors are brought there to see to wine collection since most of them are interested in wine tasting. 


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