目前分類:UBC Campus Crawl (16)

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Another afternoon visit to Wreck Beach. In the end of the term, I visit the beach during sunset hours more often than usual. Taking a stroll on the beach always soothe me down.


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Nov 27 happens to be the graduation ceremony of UBC. The school set up tents, photo shooting site near the Rose Garden for students and parents to take memorial photos. 



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UBC is famous for its Asian studies. It has established sisterhood with universities in Japan. There is no surprise one could find a Japanese garden on campus. According to the garden's official website, the Japanese emperor once expressed his surprise of how Japanese the garden is by saying, "I am in Japan."

The Nitobe Memorial Garden is built in honour of Inazo Nitobe. It is said on the official website that Nitobe's goal is to "become a bridge across the Pacific."

It's a free sight-seeing attraction for UBC students while it cost a lot for outsiders. A friend from America said that it's a shame that she didn't have a chance to see Nitobe Garden before her flight home. Although I don't really has such feeling since a Japanese garden is not something a great deal for an Asian student, I still have to say that it's a very beautiful and gorgeous place that one can find her heart's serenity while taking a slow walk inside.



It's the most famous scene of Nitobe Garden. They do sell postcards focused on the lantern by the pond at the entrance.

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I stayed at Walter Gage Residence, which is an undergraduate dormitory, during my time at UBC. One thing about UBC Housing is that they suggested on their official guide that first graders and exchange students should choose freshmen dorm, such as Totem or Vanier, since they offer meal plans and international students don't have to worry about eating problems. Learning from experience, it seems that their "recommendation" does not mean every exchange student need to sign up for freshmen dorms since I got an offer from Housing Dept asking about whether I'd like to transfer to Gage instead due to age and other things. To be honest, if one tries to live with people with one's own age group, despite the living expenses, just sign up for whatever dorm that fit, don't take the advice in the Housing Handbook so seriously.


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It's snowing~~~Everything is going white!

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Early frost on the wood


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On Saturday night, I went to this term's last hockey game. The hockey game was held in a smaller rink so it was much easier to see movements. Unfortunately, UBC lost again. This time we lost to University of Calgary (Dinos).


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The water is frozen at UBC's water fountain outside Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. Maybe it's the official announcement for the winter.

I dare not stand on top, but some daredevil undergraduate did, and he didn't sink at all. It seems that the ice is solid enough to skate on top.



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UBC Apple Festival is a great event each year at UBC Botanical Garden. People from all over Vancouver will come to visit the apple carnival. The entrance fee is 2 dollars. For 3 dollars, visitors can buy a ticket to enter apple tasting tent to taste up to 60 kinds of apples. There are also vendors to sell apple related products, such as apple trees, apples (CAD$6 / bag, 6apples / bag), apple chips (CAD$5 for a small bag, around 200g) and apple pie (CAD$4 / piece).


在現場還有販賣蘋果樹苗、各類蘋果(富士、GALA、GOLDEN GALA等等族繁不及輩載)、蘋果派、蘋果乾(類似薯片的蘋果乾)。也有給小朋友玩樂的專區。

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UBC Farm is at the very south of the campus. There lives an abundant wild life.


Ways to get there:

Take any bus that will take you to Westbrook Village or 16th Ave, including Bus #25, 33, 41, 49...etc.

Then walk down the road to somewhere that there is no population.


搭乘任何可抵達16th Ave或Westbrook Village的公車,下車後順著Westbrook Mall一直走,看到UBC農場的標示後右轉繼續走,基本上沒什麼人煙可言。

Link to UBC FARM website to find out more about the farm.


UBC farm.jpg

(UBC Farm Map, part of UBC Map)

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UBC Thuderbird VS. Alberta Golden Bear

Unfortunately, the bears broke the wings of the thunderbirds. And there was no fight in the game.



There is a famous joke about hockey game in Canada, which says:

"When I was watching a fight, a hockey game broke out."

So, a hockey game can not be called a hockey game with out a good fight.

In the break time, the ice field would open to kids' hockey teams for practice, also serve as an entertainment to the audience. It's funny to see toddlers trying hard to goal on ice while the college game is really fast-paced.




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Event: MOA Mashup

Location: The Museum of Anthropology

Date:Sept 17, 2009

Time: 17:00-20:00

Recommendation: 5 stars

Fee: Free

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Wine Research Library Tour



Sept-16-2009 14:00-14:40



Food, Nutrition and Health Building
2205 East Mall


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UBC附近的海濱屬於Pacific Spirit Reginal Park。這次是從Place Vanier (學校宿舍之一)附近的6號小徑出發,穿過海灘,從Green College附近的3號小徑上來,再走回Walter Gage(目前居住的宿舍)。

Pacific Spirit Map

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