目前分類:Cooking in Taiwan (22)

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1. 南瓜 1顆 A Squash (I used pumpkin to cook this dish when in Canada, but using squash taste better and more Taiwanese.)

2. 洋蔥 3粒 3 Onions (optional, normally not used in Taiwanese recipes)

3. 米粉 適量 Some Dried Rice Noodle (Soak the dried rice noodle in a bowl of cool water first.)

I didn't add meat or seafood this time. But ground meat (beef or pork, canned tuna can be used instead), dried mushrooms, carrots, green onions are also ingredients normally used for the dish.


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This week's lunch menu:

1. Mushroom Risotto (king oyster mushroom, bacon and onions)

2. Steamed egg with seaweed


Mushroom Risotto

Steamed Egg with seaweed

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It's the season for cabbages in Taiwan recently. One can find cheap / on sale and tasty ones around easily. 

This week's menu focus on cabbages.

I have to say that I didn't think curry and cabbages would be a good match at first, but they are OK together. So, here are this week's menu:

1. curry with cabbages and golden mushrooms;

2. stew cabbages with soy sauce (Hakka cabbage stew).



1. 咖哩金針菇佐高麗菜

2. (偽)高麗菜封 - 沒有豬腳與冬瓜的偽裝客家版本....

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Ingredients for microwaved veggies:

1. spinach

2. bok coy

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1. Chinese cabbage

2. tofu

3. Konjac jelly

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Without going out to get fresh ingredients, the only cooking done is by combining canned food with pasta.

Ingredients and seasoning:

1. Canned tuna

2. Prego Pasta Sauce

3. Pasta

4. Ketchap

5. Sugar

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1. Dry seaweed

2. rice

3. sausages

4. tofu

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1. Cabbages 

2. Tofu

3. Sliced pork (use for hot pot)

4. Potatoes

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Chicken Curry

I admitted that I am lazy and tried to cook 2 dishes with the same ingredients. (For those who don't understand, please refer to previous article about meat-potato.)

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Nikujaga is a kind of Japanese dish, which is the stew of meat, onions, and potatoes with soy sauce. Beef is normally used in the dish, but this version is with a chicken leg. 


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菜飯 Rice with vegetables and sausages

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Instant noodle with Miso soup.

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Risotto is a kind of Italian rice dish, cooked with broth. My version of risotto is not so traditional since I cooked the rice first.


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Today's dinner cooked with rice cooker, pasta with tomato sauce.



1. Pre-made pasta sauce

2. cooked beef flank (sliced)

3. pasta (uncooked)

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Sunday is the day for preparing foods for next couple of weeks' lunch boxes, and doing laundry.


King Oyster Mushrooms, Onions and Tomatoes cooked with soy sauce.

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It seems to be a long time that I made pasta. Pasta is easy and cheap to cook during my stay in Vancouver. Pasta sauce cost around 4 dollars each during sales. As for the past or spaghetti, they are much cheaper than rice or other kinds of noodles. I am grateful that I had the chance to study abroad and learn to cook since it was too expensive to dine out.



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Miso soup with seaweed, cooked with rice cooker.


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An easy way to cook 3 things at one time. Unfortunately, I did over cook the veggies. I corrected that in another round with rice cooker.


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