

Restaurant Name: Pepitas

Address: 2015 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Type of food: Mexican & Spanish

Basic spending: CAD$3 for soft drinks (with out tips); alchol around CAD$6 per glass; basic dinner cost around CAD$17 (with tax and 15% tips).

Recommendation: 2~3 stars (out of 5 stars)




Oct 16 is Daisy's birthday. She invited a group of friends (around 20 people) to have dinner together. As an American with a Mexican decendency, she picked up Pepitas since they would sing happy birthday song and offer a free sundae for the star of the day.

(Happy Birthday, Daisy.)

10月16日是Daisy (來自UCSB-加州大學聖塔芭芭拉分校的交換學生)的生日,自然而然要在墨西哥餐廰慶祝囉!(Daisy是墨裔美國人)


(Daisy, our person of the day)


As for the restaurant, I've never had a really Mexican meal before, so I am not sure whether they are really good. But it's a place to hang out with friends to enjoy Mexican ambience and music. The shop owner would do so live singing on stage with a guitar. And the decorations are really Mexican. But if one tries to find somewhere quiet to talk, it would not be a great choice due to the loud music. 


Tortilla (corn chips) with Home-made Salsa sauce (4 people sharing 1 basket) / offered by the shop as free snacks

The Salsa sauce is really good.



Enchiladas   CAD$14.95 (without tax and tips)     CAD$17.19 (with tax - CAD$0.74 and 15% tips)

One of their traditionales, which normally served with rice, salad and refried beans.
It is said in their menu that Enchiladas is their most popular specialty!
Menu descrption:
"Two corn tortillas rolled with your choice of fillings, covered with Ranchero sauce, topped with melted Jack cheese and sour cream. Choose between any of two fillings: green peppers, chicken, beef, shrimp or crab. Add Green or Mole sauce for only 1.50."

Personal comments:
I chose beef and shrimp fillings. They are ok, but not superb.
The shrimps does not really taste fresh (maybe the shrimps are frozen, but one cannot taste the fresh sweetness from them, they tasted more like dried shrimps. )
As for the beef, they used beef stew inside the tortilla, but the meat taste quite dry, and in my opinion, I didn't like the spice.  


(from upper right: salad, a piece of Sunkist, beans, rice, tortilla with beef, tortilla with shrimp)


Some Mexican Ambience~



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