

Bananna Leaf is a pretty famous Malaysian restaurant in Vancouver with many branches. It has won many awards, and is recommended by Tourism Vancouver as well.

Before leaving Vancouver, my dear roomie Elsa, invited me to have a bite there.

However, as budget-limited international students, it was impossible to get a decent full-set at Bananna Leaf. Fortunately, they have lunch specials!!!

Kari Lamb & Sayur Lemak with Rice / $8
Boneless lamb stewed in red-curry spice served with mixed vegetable.

I ordered Kari Lamb & Sayur Lemak with Rice for the main course. I love curry, but it's pretty spicy. I drank about 5 glasses of water during my meal if my memory didn't deceive me.

Roti Canai / $5
Flaky layered bread with curry dip, the Indian community's greatest culinary contribution to Malaysia. (2 pieces)

Roti Canai is a starter, Elsa and I shared this dish together. In fact, it taste much a like Taiwanese pancakes with green onions, except that roti canai doesn't have any green onions in the pieces, and were served with curry dip.

Overall, Bananna Leaf is a good place to wander around and chat with friends. The meals are decent, and the lunch specials do rock. We might have more choices during dinner hours, but I'm not sure whether my stinginess could be out-ruled by delicacies.


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