
It's a shame that I wasn't able to attend any Remembrance Ceremonies on Nov 11 due to the conference.

November 11 is the Remembrance Day of Canada, which is a day to remeber the sacrifice of people who fight for peace during the wars, esp. World War I. Some silence is asked during 11 am on Nov 11, and ceremonies are held around Canada.


Gallery: Remebrance Day (from Vancouver Sun)

Wikipedia Link about Remembrance Day in Canada

The poppy is also a very important signifier on Remembrance Day. Boxes of poppies with a donation box and a phrase saying "Lest We Forget" on top of the box are seen around campus and on streets. People are seen wearing poppies on their left chests during the first 2 weeks prior to November 11 (according Wikipedia, but it is true on my own observation).

The tradition of wearing red poppies is from the poem, In Flanders Field, written by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae.

紅色罌粟花是陣亡將士紀念日的象徵。在11月11日前2週,加拿大人會在左胸上別著紅色罌粟,在校園中或街上募款的人們手中也會看到一盒盒的紅罌粟,盒子上頭寫著”謹記Lest we forget”。紅罌粟的傳統是由In Flander Field這首詩而來。

There is also a Canadian Chidren's Book Where Poppies Grow focus on the topic.





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