Fried Potato Cakes


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Where is it?

@ My Favorite Thrift Shop on West 4th Avenue


How to get there?

Take bus #84, and get off at McDonald Street


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It's a shame that I wasn't able to attend any Remembrance Ceremonies on Nov 11 due to the conference.

November 11 is the Remembrance Day of Canada, which is a day to remeber the sacrifice of people who fight for peace during the wars, esp. World War I. Some silence is asked during 11 am on Nov 11, and ceremonies are held around Canada.


Gallery: Remebrance Day (from Vancouver Sun)

Wikipedia Link about Remembrance Day in Canada

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This shoud be part 2 for the trip to Lynn Canyon Park since I walked from Lynn Canyon Park to Seymour Conservation Reserve.

What trail did I take?

lynn and rice.jpg

(This is part of the map provided by Metro Vancouver.) Link to the map.

I walked from Lynn Canyon Ecology Centre (near the entrance of the park, where bus #229 stops) up north to the suspension bridge, then to 30 foot pool, then walked further morth into Seymour Conservation Reserve and walked around Rice Lake (about 2 km walk around the lake's loop trail).

從Lynn Cayon Ecology Centre出發,向北走到吊橋,再到30呎深的水池,最後往北走到Seymour保護區的Rice Lake (繞湖走了一圈,約2km),再循原路回來。


Some photo took at Rice Lake. It's very beautify and it's a great fishing spot as well.






DSC08025.JPG DSC08028.JPG





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Reference Recipe / 參考食譜




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Lynn Canyon Park

North Vancouver has lots of parks and forests. There is no better thing to do for a nice walk in the woods in North Vancouver on holidays.


How did I get to Lynn Canyon Park?


UBC→Waterfront Station→Seabus to Lonsdale Quay→Bus 229 to Lynn Canyon Park

The Seabus is like the ferry between Kaohsiung and Cijin, but only passengers and bikes can get on it.


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Free Fireworks Light Up Halloween

Fireworks at Minoru Park, Richmond

10 whoe minutes firework show on Youtube.

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