29 Sept, 2011

Booked flights of Cathy Pacific, and was planning to leave for New York around 19:30.

Unfortunately due to the typhoon in Hong Kong, flights were changed and delayed for more than 2hrs. 

Luckily, I did make it to JFK on 9AM on 30 Sept, 2011.

Flight route: Taipei → Hong Kong → YVR (Vancouver International Airport) → JFK (New York, USA)

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People to thank for:

My cousin, Mei, who is super nice and offered me a room on her Long Island house for staying temporarily, went all the way to pick me up from the airport and sent me off too.

My aunt and her family, who are really considerate and showed me around during weekends.

I'm really grateful that I have all the relatives to rely on, and would love to send big hugs for everyone.

Now, here are resources used and gathered before and during the trip!

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It's the season for cabbages in Taiwan recently. One can find cheap / on sale and tasty ones around easily. 

This week's menu focus on cabbages.

I have to say that I didn't think curry and cabbages would be a good match at first, but they are OK together. So, here are this week's menu:

1. curry with cabbages and golden mushrooms;

2. stew cabbages with soy sauce (Hakka cabbage stew).



1. 咖哩金針菇佐高麗菜

2. (偽)高麗菜封 - 沒有豬腳與冬瓜的偽裝客家版本....

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台灣最慢的火車,最短區間的里程,最便宜的旅行,票價是11元。(From 11元的鐵道旅行 by 劉克襄)


11-Dollar Rail Trip

The slowest train in Taiwan, the shortest railway trip, the cheapest travel price is NT$11. (US$1 = NT$30)

from "11-Dollar Railway Trip" by Ke-Hsiang Liu.


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A cherry tree with full bloom on the left side of the temple.


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Ingredients for microwaved veggies:

1. spinach

2. bok coy

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Teaching English: Culture shock

Like thousands of Canadians every year, Lindsey Craig moved overseas to teach English in Taiwan – but she’s the one who got some hard life-lessons

Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/Teaching+English+Culture+shock/4348511/story.html#ixzz1FhY5NKQP

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